
Program for Mostar-visitors in Fredericia 4.-9.5.

20.30 Welcome at Fredericia Station. Danish students and teachers take care of their guests.

8.30 Welcome at Fredericia Gymnasium – Breakfast.
                      Tour in the Gymnasium by Tommy Skov.
11.55-13.25 English-lesson in B06 with Trine Laursen. Everybody
14.15-15.30 Guided tour in Fredericia with Tommy: History, religion and
                      Culture in the city. Only visitors.

8.05-9.40 Visitors with their host in different classes.
9.55-11.25 Biology-lesson in E13 with Uffe Pedersen. Everybody.
12.00-afternoon: Tour to nearby city: Vejle. They have a center for ecology, (Økolariet):

                    Grillparty at the place of Camilla Mulvad.

8.05-9.40 Visitors with their host in different classes.
9.55-11.25 Biology-lesson in E13 with Uffe Pedersen. Everybody.
11.55-13.25 Sport-lesson with Christian Mortensen. Everybody.
13.40-15.10 History-lesson in B14 with Tommy. Everybody.

8.30-12.00 Visit at Arla-foods. Everybody, See -

13.00-14.00 Welcome in Fredericia by mayor of Fredericia Uffe Steiner
                  Jensen. Only visitors.
15.15-16.30 Bowling.
                   Dinner and get together. Everybody.

                    Leaving early in the morning for Mostar. The bus is coming from Vejle.

Further details:

Ankica Covic and Tatjana Serdaravic will stay at: Sømandshjemmet, Gothersgade 40.
Telephone: 75 92 01 99.

Telephone Fredericia Gymnasium: 0045 75 92 06 88
Mobile, Tommy: 25 38 22 22
Uffe: 75 93 33 31

We look forward to see you.

Best regards

3.c, Tommy and Uffe

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