
The bosnian ambassador in Denmark visits Fredericia

Last May students and teachers: Mladenka and Tanja visited Fredericia Gymnasium.
The bosnian visitors had a good meeting with Fredericias mayor: Uffe Steiner Jensen.
It almost succeded to establish a meeting between Uffe Steiner and the ambassador of Bosnia & Hercegovina from Copenhagen.

The new ambassador, Muhamed Hajdarevic, is now invited to visit Vejle February 19th. Here there will be talks with the mayor of Vejle: Leif Skov.
The next day, 20th, the ambassador will visit Fredericia. When he visits Fredericia Gymnasium there will be a dialogue on issues like integration, democracy, education, international activities and the importance of the European Union in Denmark and Bosnia & Hercegovina form the perspective of young students.
Later that day he will be together with mayor Uffe steiner Jensen.

Fredericia Gymnasium is looking forward to welcome the ambassador.


2.c and the Balkans

2.c has started to prepare the visit in Bosnia and Hercegovina next October.
They will work with the Balkans in different subjects.
The students have just finsished a written paper with emphazise on the period 1870-1945. Major periods in history were:
- Imperialism 1870-1914
- First World War 1914-1918
- the inter-war period 1918-1939
- the Second World War 1939-1945
The main issues were:
- "How does small states like Denmark and Yugoslavia manage to stay independent and free in an increasing political hostile Europe?"
- "What were the political and military similarities and diffenrencies between the Nordic area and the Balkans?".
In the subject, Danish, the students worked with: rhetoric and war as a topic.

Until spring, the clas will study the communist state of Yugoslavia 1945-1980, 1980-1991 and the civil war 1991-1995. One of the main issues is on forces that seperated and united the state. The subjects religion, psychology and english will represent important tools in analyzing the the period of civil war.
Later on we will compare the Nordic welfare state 1957-1998 with communism in Yugoslavia.

The exchange between Mostar Gymnasium and Fredericia Gymnasium is shaping a main thread in our curriculum. The Visit in Mostar makes up a gathering between the real world and theory in class.


Fredericia students will visit B.H. Oct. 2.end.-12.th 2009

The danes/danska are visiting B.H. next October.

We have booked flight-tickets now. The danish students will travel by bus to Hamburg airport and fly to Sarajevo.

Our plan is very similar to the last danish visit.This means 4 days in Mostar with exchange. 4 days in Hotel Ada at the river Buna - here we have the oppertunity to visit each other.
The last two days will be in Sarajevo before returning for homeflight.

The next step is to establish relations between the danish visitors and the hosts in B.H. Hopefully it will bring about some good communication before the visit.

The B.H. Ambassador: Muhamed Hajdarevic',in Copenhagen, is invited to visit the Kommune of Fredericia and Mayor Uffe Steiner Jensen. Vejle Kommune will also participate in the visit. We hope that the politicians and the diplomats will visit
Fredericia Gymnasium.
The agenda ,is among other things, how to enhance industri relations, students-exchanges and education.

The Danish Ambassador in Sarajevo is currently briefed about the relations and we hope it will support the relations and activities between the countries.


A new exchange has started Oct. 2008

Dear students in Mostar and Fredericia

A quick review shows that after a danish visit in Mostar Oct.2007 and a revisit of Mostar-students, May 2008, it is now time for at new start of the exchange-project.

A new class in Fredericia Gymnasium, 2.C, is now working with the history, culture and enviroments of the Balkans with emphasise on Bosnia & Hercegovina. Working with the Balkans gives the students in Fredericia a wider perspective on Europe.
During the next year they will prepare the stay in B.H. during different projects.

The class will fill out indivual profiles so it can be matched with hosts from Mostar Gimnazija. Communication before the exchange is important so everyone feels save and welcomed - both ways.

We are planning to do the visit Oct.2. untill Oct.12. Our stay in Mostar will last from Oct.2.- Oct.6. After the stay in Mostar, the danish group will move to hotel Ada
near the river Buna until Oct.10. The last days will be spend in Sarajevo.

The class is saving money for the trip individually and as a classs.
The students are looking forward to travel in B.H.


Leaving Fredericia Friday

In the early morning everybody assembled at the station of Fredericia.
The exchange was in its end-phase. Loaded with good memories every-one said goodbye.

I hope that all the participants enjoyed the exchange which have lasted for more than 1 1/2 year. The mutual visit in both countries and the continuous writing between the students have made it possible to enlarge our visions and insight.

I hope it will be possible to continue the exchange with a new class.
This coming Friday I will present the idea to them.

Thanks to all who helped in making the exchange possible.

Thursday 8.th

The last day together - and the programe was full of activities.
Every host took their visitor to Arla Foods. Uffe had arranged a visit that contained a presentation of this international large company, a guided tour, tasting Arla-products and the producing of cheese on a experimental basis.
Arla did a nice presentation although the smell of cheese was harsh. But as one teacher said: "It is the smell of money".
Thanks to Arla for a informative and educational morning.

We were also invited to the city-hall of Fredericia by mayor Uffe Steiner Jensen.
He welcomed us and gave a short historical introduction to the history of Fredericia.
After that we had a good dialogue about the danish welfarestate, problems with integration and the importance of being open-minded in a global world.
The mayor gave presents and autographs. Although his hair is grey he is popular among the students.

The nearby bowling-hall was a good place to unleash some energy. Everyone took part in the great battle of striking the skittles. A nice sandwish ended the day.

Wednesday started with some lessons - the weather was still very good and therefore having sport outside was a good option. Christian one of our new teachers took care of introducing the group to soft-ball. Once again competition and cooperation gave a good lesson in how to do your best although you can loose the game.

The afternoon was leisure-time and one of our young students, with bosnian and hercegovian background, invited all the visitors for a dinner. They had a great time talkning only their mother-tongue. It is very special that Denmark contains a variaty of different cultures so our country is more able to connect with the outside world.
To internationalize is not only a matter of looking outwards - but also inwards your own country and city. Thank you Leo Petrec for the initiative.

Tuesday the 6.th

Tuesday was a day with a lot of activities. The visitors joined their hosts in the two first lessons.
At twlve o'clock Uffe took everybody to Vejle for a visit a centre for ecology.
It is a place where you can touch, feel, and experience different enviroments in urban, rural and nature areas.

Almost just after beeing back from Vejle Camilla Mulvad and her parents had invited the whole group for a barbecue-party in Brejning - just outside Fredericia.
The weather was perfect and the food just good. On a nearby football-lawn girls played against boys. I think the boys won, but only because of their luck.
Indeed it was a international game.

The first day May 5th

At last came our visitors from Mostar. They experienced a tough tour through Europe and came in middle of Sunday night.
But everyone started as planned with breakfast at Fredericia Gymnasium.
Vagn Olsen took the visitors for a tour in the completely newly rebuilded gymnasium.
There was a biology-exercise with bloodtype-definition. Once more Uffe showed how natural science is international because we understood each other using the biology-terms.

Tommy took the Mostar-students for a short tour in Fredericia. The focus was on the history of the city with emphasize on the  military fortification, multicultural citizenship: jews, catholics, huguenots, protestants and modern urban life.

The hosts picked up the visitors and the need for a godd sleep was evident.


Program for Mostar-visitors in Fredericia 4.-9.5.

20.30 Welcome at Fredericia Station. Danish students and teachers take care of their guests.

8.30 Welcome at Fredericia Gymnasium – Breakfast.
                      Tour in the Gymnasium by Tommy Skov.
11.55-13.25 English-lesson in B06 with Trine Laursen. Everybody
14.15-15.30 Guided tour in Fredericia with Tommy: History, religion and
                      Culture in the city. Only visitors.

8.05-9.40 Visitors with their host in different classes.
9.55-11.25 Biology-lesson in E13 with Uffe Pedersen. Everybody.
12.00-afternoon: Tour to nearby city: Vejle. They have a center for ecology, (Økolariet):

                    Grillparty at the place of Camilla Mulvad.

8.05-9.40 Visitors with their host in different classes.
9.55-11.25 Biology-lesson in E13 with Uffe Pedersen. Everybody.
11.55-13.25 Sport-lesson with Christian Mortensen. Everybody.
13.40-15.10 History-lesson in B14 with Tommy. Everybody.

8.30-12.00 Visit at Arla-foods. Everybody, See -

13.00-14.00 Welcome in Fredericia by mayor of Fredericia Uffe Steiner
                  Jensen. Only visitors.
15.15-16.30 Bowling.
                   Dinner and get together. Everybody.

                    Leaving early in the morning for Mostar. The bus is coming from Vejle.

Further details:

Ankica Covic and Tatjana Serdaravic will stay at: Sømandshjemmet, Gothersgade 40.
Telephone: 75 92 01 99.

Telephone Fredericia Gymnasium: 0045 75 92 06 88
Mobile, Tommy: 25 38 22 22
Uffe: 75 93 33 31

We look forward to see you.

Best regards

3.c, Tommy and Uffe


We look forward to welcome you in Fredericia

Dear friends at Mostar Gimnazija

Thank you very much for the accept of our invitation in May.

We are now preparing a program which will mix activitites at Fredericia Gymnasium and in the town of Fredericia.

Our Gymnasium is rebuilded when you arrive.

The weather in May can be very nice in Denmark and we hope for temperatures about 15 degrees and lots of sun.

Please prepare a list with basic informations so we can have visas ready.
I will fax you next week.

Have a good time in Mostar


We hope to see you in Fredericia May 4th-9th

Dear hosts in Mostar

Evo, šaljemo pozdrave u novoj 2008 godini iz cijele nase fredericijanske gimnazije i nadamo se da je sve u redu kod vas u gimnaziji i u Mostaru.
Radujemo se vašem dolasku u proljece i u kojemu će te posjetiti i našu gimnazjiu u Fredericiji.
Također se nadamo da se svih onih 13 đaka čije su familije bili naši domaćini u oktobru 2007 godine spremaju na put tako da ih i mi primimo na gostoprinski način.
Naši đaci raduju se vašoj posjeti i kao pravi domaćini žele da vas upute u svoj svakodnevni školski i familijarni život kao i u svoje slobodno vrijeme.
Rezervisali smo 15 sjedišta u auotubusu za osobe iz Mostarske gimnazije.

Planirani program sadrži:

 Učestvovanje učenika prvenstveno na nastavi biologije, egleskog jezika, historie, umjetnosti i tijelesnog odgoja.
 Posjetu jednom lokalnom radnom preduzeču sa globalnim eksportom.
 Šetnja gradom Fredericije.
 Primnanje kod gradonačelnika u opštini/komuni.
 Podiči i učestvovati u demokratskom workshopu.
 Posjeta vašeg ambasador u Fredericiji i nasoj gimnaziji.

Molimo vas za brzi odgovor tako da smo u stanju utvrditi vaš periodni dolazak.
Pokriti su povratni putni autobusni troškovi a vaše prenoċište je veċ organisirano kod naših privatnih domaċina.

Inače, jako smo zadovoljni sa ovim mjenjanjem naših posjeta i u buduċe računamo da ċemo snjima nastaviti.


Poul Erik Madsen                        Tommy Skov                               Uffe Bybæk Pedersen