
No finacial support this time

The last days have been hard work for me, trying to raise financial support for the exchange project.
I have been in contact with the Danish Ministry of Education where they have international programes called Cirius and Comenius.
Unfortunately there were a lot of conditions and demands in connection with the programes that prevented support for our exchange project. Bosnia and Hercegovina is not on the top list of recipient countries these years. One can only wonder why not, because the country needs support in any way.
I will keep on looking for other financial sources to secure the revisit of Mostar students and teachers next year.
If any of you have ideas that can raise financial support please contact me:


KaosPilots show photographs from Mostar in Århus

The group of KaosPilots, that have been in Mostar all May, are showing their photographs in Århus Library on June the 11.th - the 15.th.
The exhibition is a part of their project showing young students from Mostar together with interviews about their indentities, education, careers and democracy.
The Kaospilots will visit Fredericia Gymnasium in September and present their work in Mostar.

Fredericia Gymnasium is looking for financiel partners

Fredericia Gymnasium will start a coordinated campaign with Mostar Gymnazija to raise funds that support the exchange project.
It is decisive for the project that Mostar Gimnazija is able to visit Denmark/Fredericia in spring 2008.
Mutual visits will support a true exchange although we communicate on mail, blog, telephone and in letters.
Our applications are based on a wish to enhance and practise green visions, to debate democracy, tolerance, cultural indentities and virtual communication.

A new tourist-guide from Politiken

Politiken has just released a new touristguide for Bosnien&Hercegovina and Montenegro.
The students of 2.C. will review the guide from their perspective during the stay in Bosnia Hercegovina in Octber.
Fredericia Gymnasium have bought 60 guides and they will be a part of the grounding before leaving Denmark.
If you are interested in further information visit Politikens travelguide website